How make Scan QRCode and Save it in Google Sheet using Google App Script Android Studio - مدونة أون لاين كلاو | Online Claw

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How make Scan QRCode and Save it in Google Sheet using Google App Script Android Studio

How make Scan QRCode and Save it in Google Sheet using Google App Script Android Studio

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Step 1: Create new app script project. Click here to create App Script.

Step 2: Copy and paste the below script which recieves scanned data  and inserts in Google Sheet.

Step 3: Change the url of the spread sheet. Make sure sheet is shared .[anyone with the link can view]
Step 4: Go to Publish -> Deploy as web app. A window pop up, here ->Who has access to the app: ->  Anyone,                   even Anonymous
            Publish/UpdateCopy the published URL and store it.

2. Android Part

Step 1: Create new Android App from Android Studio
Step 2: Go to build.gradle[module: app] and add following dependencies.
note: If you are downloading the source code and modifying. Please make sure build tool version and compileSdk Version in build.gradle[module: dependancyapp] are compatible with your phone. If you are developing from the scratch then no issues, just dependency,

Step 3: Let’s add all layout files.

activity_main.xml  This adds a button to Scan
Step 4: add the following code to which scans and calls web service

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